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PesaX - Online loan application
Maximum loan amount

TZS 1,200,000

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No collateral
quick payment in 5 minutes

Why choose PesaX ?

Fast application process

100% online loan application, no collateral, no supporting documents.

Highly flexible loan products

Choose from a variety of types and loan amounts, with a maximum installment of 365 days.

Low threshold and high limit

Tanzania residents aged 18 to 60 years old can obtain a loan amount of up to TZS 1,200,000.

Transparency and fast fund arrival

100% transparent fee structure, which can be used quickly after approval.

Fast application process

100% online loan application, no collateral, no supporting documents.

Highly flexible loan products

Choose from a variety of types and loan amounts, with a maximum installment of 365 days.

Low threshold and high limit

Tanzania residents aged 18 to 60 years old can obtain a loan amount of up to TZS 1,200,000.

Transparency and fast fund arrival

100% transparent fee structure, which can be used quickly after approval.

Get your loan needs in just 3 steps

Apply for a personal account

Download PesaX loan App on Google Play and register a personal account

Amount of loan applied for

Check your loan limit, submit an application, and get a loan approval notification within minutes

Transfer the loan to the account

After the loan application is successful, the funds will arrive in your bank account within a short time.

Get your loan needs in just 3 steps

Calculate and apply for your loan

Loan Calculator

Loan Term
Loan Amount
Interest Rate
Loan Duration
Start Date
End Date
Total Amount

EMI Amount
Interest Payable
  • EMI Amount (Principal + Interest)
  • Interest Payable
  • Loan Duration
  • Your EMI Amount
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A: The process of using PesaX online loan is simple and fast. You only need to download and install the PesaX App, register and complete the certification, and then you can apply for a loan online. We will review your application as soon as possible and release the money to your designated bank account as soon as possible.

A: Aged between 18 and 60 years old, with full capacity for civil conduct;
Have a stable source of income and the ability to repay the loan;
Have a good personal credit record and no major bad credit records;
The purpose of borrowing is legal and compliant and complies with relevant laws, regulations and policy requirements.

A: PesaX offers flexible loan amounts ranging from TZS 10,000 to TZS 1,200,000. The loan amount may vary based on personal credit rating, income profile and loan history.

A: PesaX usually requires you to provide personal identity information, contact information, bank account information and other related information.

A: PesaX’s interest rates and fees depend on the loan amount and period. Borrowers can see clear fee and interest rate information during the loan application process.

A: PesaX provides a simple and fast approval process, usually within a few minutes, depending on individual circumstances.

A: Once your loan application is approved, funds will usually arrive in the bank account you provided within a short period of time.

A: PesaX is a legal and leading loan application in Tanzania and is praised by Tanzanians as one of the most reliable loan platforms.

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Efficient and flexible loan services

PesaX – With customized loan solutions based on your needs, the process of getting a loan is simple and easy.

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